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Who is she?

She is a Burgers, Martini & Coffee lover. She travels, she cooks and she can eat like a dinosaur without getting fat (yes, yes...I know..don't hate her for that *blushing*). Oh! And she likes to talk about her at 3rd person. 


Why this blog? Well, there was a nice Thursday evening. She was making her way into the nearest Starbucks & buying herself a Grandé Cappuccino with so much Caramel because she was craving for something extremely sweet and toxic and it was 7 in the evening, so guess what happened? She became super energetic after a hot bath. Time flew away and it was the middle of the night when she couldn't fall asleep. And then this came out! I'm writing a blog now ! Yuppyyyy. Not my first, but hopefully my best ! 


Here you will find THE best two things in the world: Travel & Food as the major topics.


You know what would be really cool ? You, telling me about your travel experiences, about traditional dishes you tasted and so on. And if you wanna be cooler than that, recommend me places to visit, to travel to so I can write about them here! :D


goingplacesnanana travel blog journey travel the world travel destination ecplore



about, description, roberta, goingplacesnanana
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